We’ve compiled all the resources you need as an OCH tenant right here!
The Community Information Centre of Ottawa (211) can help to connect you to community, social, health and government services in your community. 211 is a three-digit phone number that provides free, confidential and multilingual information and referrals.
Canada Pension 
Almost all individuals who work in Canada contribute to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). The CPP provides pensions and benefits when contributors retire, become disabled, or die. For information on retirement pension, survivor benefits, disability benefits and more:
Citizenship & Immigration 
Find out more information about immigration, citizenship, work permits, refugees and asylum.
City of Ottawa 
Your one-stop shop for everything Ottawa-related. Find out more information about garbage collection, festivals and events, recreation programs, by-laws, and more.
Employment Ontario 
Employment Ontario helps set you up with training, skills and experience to achieve your goals, as well as connect you with employers who are hiring.
OC Transpo 
OC Transpo delivers safe, reliable, and courteous transportation at a reasonable price. All OC Transpo fleets are accessible to those with mobility impairments.
Social Assistance 
Ontario Works can help you with the cost of food and housing if you are in temporary financial need. The Ontario Disability Support Program can help you with the cost of food and housing if you have a disability and are in financial need. For more information:
Service Canada 
Service Canada provides information on federal programs such as Employment Insurance (EI), job banks, GST/HST credits, tax slips, Old Age Security (OAS), Records of Employment (ROE), birth certificates, passports, or Social Insurance Numbers (SIN). For more information:
Housing Help 
Housing Help is a non-profit charitable agency providing assistance to people in the City of Ottawa who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, to access and maintain appropriate and affordable housing.
Housing Services Corporation (HSC) is a non-profit organization that is committed to ensuring that Ontario residents have access to safe and affordable housing that improves their quality of life.
Social Housing Registry 
The Social Housing Registry of Ottawa (The Registry) is a non-profit organization that maintains the central waiting list for people applying for rent-geared-to-income (RGI, or subsidized) housing.
Aging In Place 
This innovative program provides a variety of services to seniors living in Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) apartment buildings including: homemaking and meals, transportation, nursing and allied health visits, personal care, and more.
The Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centres of Ottawa (CHRC) is a network of multi-service, community-based health and resource centres, which recognizes the importance of responding to the diversity of needs within local communities.
Crime Stoppers 
Crime Stoppers is a community-based partnership made up of dedicated volunteers, police and media working together to provide a safer place to live, work, and play. Do you have a tip for a crime you may have witnessed?
Options Bytown 
Options Bytown supports hundreds of tenants through housing case management, prevention of evictions, crisis intervention, referrals to various community resources, lifeskills training, social and recreational activities, computer training and health and nutritional counselling.
Ottawa Distress Centre 
The Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region is a 24/7 volunteer-based organization offering confidential, emotional mental health support, crisis intervention, information referral and education services.
Ottawa Police Service 
Crime Prevention Ottawa works closely with local residents, government, police, school boards, businesses, community services, child protection and other partners to reduce crime and build safer communities.
Salus offers a range of supportive housing options for adults with serious mental illness and concurrent challenges including addictions, homelessness and cycles of hospitalization.
Youth Services Bureau 
Youth Services Bureau (YSB) is one of the largest and most comprehensive nonprofit agencies serving youth in Ottawa. Services include mental health, youth justice, women’s shelters, and more.
Community Development Framework 
The Community Development Framework (CDF) is a way of working together in order to make change happen in neighbourhoods. The CDF brings together residents, service providers, agencies, researchers and funders to improve their neighbourhoods.
Community Houses 
There are several gatherings such as homework clubs, cooking groups, yoga, workshops, bake sales, and clean-ups organized by the community houses that tenants can get involved in.
Market Mobile 
Market Mobile is a grocery store on wheels, operating every Saturday, and visiting OCH communities between July-December.
Ottawa Food Bank 
The Ottawa Food Bank helps people get beyond hunger through education on affordable nutrition, as well as fostering relationships with the food industry and local agencies.