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Changes To Your Rent & Registry Waiting List

Everything you need to know on the changes of the Housing Services Act

The Province of Ontario has made major changes to the Housing Services Act (HSA), which are likely to impact you directly. The HSA sets out the rules that manage the relationship between community housing landlords and tenants. Find more information on each of those changes below.

Changes to How Subsidized (RGI) Rent is Calculated

The provincial government has made changes to simplify the rent-geared-to-income (RGI) rent calculation. Tenants must now submit a copy of their last Income Tax Notice of Assessment to OCH at their annual rent review. If tenants don’t, they could lose their subsidy, meaning that their rent could go up. The Income Tax Notice of Assessment will be used to calculate rent. Most households’ rent will be based on 30% of net household income instead of gross household income. 

The province has also decided that the income of full-time students will not count towards the calculation of rent. 

These changes are effective on July 1, 2020. 

One Offer of Housing Rule

All households on The Registry’s waiting list, including those with priority status and OCH’s overhoused tenants, will now only receive one offer of housing. Previously, they could receive up to three offers. This means that it is very important for tenants to select communities where they want to live. 

These changes took effect on January 1, 2020 and the Registry advised everyone on the waiting list of this change. 

How Will These Changes Benefit Tenants?


Tenants who file taxes may be eligible for government benefits, some of which may even be retroactive to previous years. These include: 

Tenants should consult the Canada Revenue Agency website for tax-related information. 

Ottawa Community Housing is exempt from municipal property taxes. 

The Ontario Trillium Benefit is a provincial policy that is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency. For questions related to this benefit, please contact the Province of Ontario. 


The province has also decided that the income of full-time students within a household will not count towards the calculation of rents for that household. Students are considered “full-time” if they are taking at least a 60% course load (40% for students with a permanent disability). This change may result in more affordable rents for some tenants. 


Your Income Tax Notice of Assessment will be used to calculate your rent. As of July 2020, rent will be calculated based on net household income (the take-home income of household tenants). Before, rent was calculated using gross household income (earnings before deductions or taxes paid for household tenants). 



Resources for Tenants

If you have questions, contact the Call Centre at 613-731-1182 to speak with a Housing Administrator. 

Other Resources:


OCH properties are listed for information purposes only, for people to understand where our housing is located around the city.

Browse Properties

Learn more about Affordable Housing in Ottawa and where to apply.

Affordable Housing

Learn how to apply for Subsidized Rentals.

Subsidized Rentals
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