Jun 6th, 2024
News Release: 200 Export Development Canada (EDC) Volunteers Leave Lasting Legacy in Overbrook

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June 6, OTTAWA, ON – Small acts of kindness have a ripple effect. The impact of a volunteer project in Overbrook is more like a tidal wave.
On June 6, 200 volunteers completed a full day of volunteer work in Overbrook and got their hands dirty by landscaping, clearing overgrowth and planting trees – helping the community be cleaner and greener.
The project is part of a city-wide, large-scale collaboration between Export Development Canada and Volunteer Ottawa called Community Investment Day. The day aims to provide an opportunity for charities and non-profits in the greater Ottawa region to complete a big task or special project and raise awareness about their mission.
Approximately 2,000 volunteers will be working on projects across the city.
The OCH Volunteer Engagement Program, established in 2011, is a cornerstone of our community initiatives. As an organization, we are honoured to have a wonderful partnership with Volunteer Ottawa, which helps link volunteer partners to projects in OCH communities. Tenants often request and drive volunteer projects, showing their active involvement in community development. The work makes communities more welcoming and allows OCH to invest in other community improvements.
“When economic development is synonymous with community development! This large-scale, high impact project is a perfect example of the great things that can happen when partners work together to improve the lives of OCH tenants. We are proud to work with Volunteer Ottawa and EDC. Their work will increase pride in neighbourhoods and leave a legacy in our communities.”
Stéphane Giguère, Chief Executive Officer, OCH
“Ottawa Community Housing has one of the city’s strongest volunteer programs, led by an outstanding team who bring commitment, creativity, compassion, and boundless enthusiasm to everything they do. They find countless ways for tenants, neighbours, local businesses, and thousands of volunteers to come together, to maintain buildings, beautify surroundings, strengthen communities, and foster new relationships. Volunteer Ottawa is honoured to be partnering with OCH and Export Development Canada again this year, to create this win-win opportunity through our VO Connect workplace volunteering program.”
Christine Trauttmansdorff, Executive Director, Volunteer Ottawa
“Export Development Canada is immensely proud to partner with Volunteer Ottawa and Ottawa Community Housing in support of our Community Investment Day. Through initiatives like these, we demonstrate how collective efforts can create lasting positive change in the communities in which we live and work.”
Mairead Lavery, President and CEO, Export Development Canada
About OCH:
Ottawa Community Housing offers approximately 15,000 homes to about 32,000 tenants, including seniors, families, individuals, and people with disabilities. These homes are located in various communities throughout the City of Ottawa and house a diverse population with different languages, cultures, and ethnicities. OCH is Ottawa’s primary community housing provider, managing two-thirds of the city’s housing portfolio and ranking as the second largest in Ontario. In 2024, OCH earned recognition for the seventh consecutive year as one of the National Capital Region’s Top Employers.
About Export Development Canada
EDC is Canada’s export credit agency, providing financing and insurance solutions locally and around the world to help Canadian companies of any size respond to international business opportunities. As a Crown corporation that operates on commercial principles, EDC works together with private- and public-sector financial institutions to create a greater capacity for Canadian companies to engage in trade and investment. EDC is committed to building a more equitable world and through our community investment initiatives, we aim to contribute to creating a better future. Sharing our time, talents and financial resources to help communities where we live, and work is as important to our people as it is to those we serve.
About Volunteer Ottawa
Founded in 1957, Volunteer Ottawa is one of approximately 150 volunteer centres across Canada. Volunteer Ottawa connects people to one another and to hundreds of local charities that rely on the time and talent of volunteers. We provide supports and services to promote and celebrate volunteerism, help volunteers find opportunities, strengthen non-profit capacity through training and networking, inspire diversity and inclusion, and encourage local employers to invest in the community.
To RSVP or schedule an interview, please contact:
Jennifer McIntosh
Communications Specialist
Ottawa Community Housing