Dec 8th, 2020
Tenant Spotlight: Meet Stephen

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When Stephen moved to Overbrook in 2015, it took a while for him to start getting involved in his new community, but now you can find him just about anywhere, lending a helping hand.
It started with lunch–and–learns hosted by a tenant volunteer working for the east Community Development Framework.
“The lady running it was doing everything by herself,” he said. “I felt like I should be doing something for my free lunch. It felt good to get involved.”
After that, Stephen then began volunteering to be a part of the Overbrook Table through the CDF – eventually becoming vice–chair.
“Then I began helping out with other lunch–and–learns and Christmas celebrations,” he said.
Stephen began branching out beyond his neighbourhood, helping at community barbecues, and spring and fall clean ups. In 2020 alone, he joined a community cleanup for the 251 and 255 Donald Street communities, joined the Tenant Talks Champions team and helped build wooden libraries for the townhome communities in Overbrook.
The libraries will have books donated by the Ottawa Public Library and community information resource sheets from partner agencies providing support to OCH tenants.
In his own Bernard Street community, he volunteers in the community kitchen. The kitchen was kept open as a pilot after the pandemic lockdown to see if volunteers could work safely. Stephen said he is glad to be still able to provide meals to his neighbours.
“Food security is a real issue,” he said.
Stephen is also part of another pilot project, with Options Bytown. He works as a peer support worker at 725 Bernard Street and at 251 and 255 Donald Street. His role is still very new, so he is finding his way, but he thinks it is a great way to connect with his neighbours.
His role is to help other tenants connect with OCH staff and access what supports are available through partner agencies that support tenants.
“Sometimes people just need someone to talk to, and I can see things from their perspective,” he said.
When asked what makes his community unique, Stephen said it’s the diversity.
For anyone considering getting involved in their community, Stephen encourages people not to let their limitations stop them from finding a way to lend a hand.
“Everyone has something to contribute,” he said. “And be patient. Things do not change overnight.”
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